Sn Combat Academy


Sn Combat Academy Sn Gym Next Generation Muay Thai K 1 Kick Boxing includes address, phone, route map and comments.

Address : Unit 4, 44A Gloucester Rd, Croydon – United Kingdom

Phone : 07552 162638

Sn Combat Academy Sn Gym Next Generation Muay Thai K 1 Kick Boxing Road Route

Sn Combat Academy Sn Gym Next Generation Muay Thai K 1 Kick Boxing United Kingdom provides service in. Its full address is Unit 4, 44A Gloucester Rd, Croydon – United Kingdom olan Sn Combat Academy Sn Gym Next Generation Muay Thai K 1 Kick Boxing, you can reach its business by phone 07552 162638 . You can also use the map above to get Sn Combat Academy Sn Gym Next Generation Muay Thai K 1 Kick Boxing transportation and directions information. You can review the Sn Combat Academy Sn Gym Next Generation Muay Thai K 1 Kick Boxing section at the bottom of our page, see the company score and share your experiences by commenting if you want. For more detailed information about Sn Combat Academy Sn Gym Next Generation Muay Thai K 1 Kick Boxing you can contact Sn Combat Academy Sn Gym Next Generation Muay Thai K 1 Kick Boxing using the information above.

All information about Sn Combat Academy Sn Gym Next Generation Muay Thai K 1 Kick Boxing on our page is taken from Google Maps. Our company cannot be held responsible for the accuracy of the information. The responsibilities of the comments made for Sn Combat Academy Sn Gym Next Generation Muay Thai K 1 Kick Boxing belong to the commenter. If you think that there is an error or deficiency in Sn Combat Academy Sn Gym Next Generation Muay Thai K 1 Kick Boxing belong to the commenter. If you think that there is an error or deficiency in Sn Combat Academy Sn Gym Next Generation Muay Thai K 1 Kick Boxing and want the business information to be removed, you can contact us on our contact page.

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Croydon Sn Combat Academy Comments

  1. Having trained at 4 different gyms over the space of 6 years I can safely say that SN Combat offers the the highest level of training. The gym provides the perfect balance between energetic technical classes and a supportive family atmosphere. Egos are left at the door and anyone is welcomed to become a part of the team and supported in reaching their personal goals. Through the expert teaching I have grown and developed my skills over the short space of three months.

    I would highly recommend this gym for adults and children of all levels.

  2. I have been training for a while with SN Combat and have come along way! I started with just thinking of loosing some weight and getting Fitter as well as learning some basic self defence, but fell in love with the fighters life straight away.
    The gym members immediately welcomed me with open arms! Even the highest skilled fighter in there, is the most humble. Which can be very refreshing to some who may think a fighters gym will be a rough environment and feel intimidated to give it a go. I have also build great friendships throughout my journey with SN and cannot wait to see where this journey will lead me. If your thinking of pursuing a career in fighting this is definitely the place!

  3. One of the best places to train in London

    This has to be one of the best places to train in London and one of the best places of trained in the country. Nice friendly atmosphere and a good head coach with a lot of experience and has trained a few world champions with a serious approach to training in Thai boxing.

    The amount of classes available is also a bonus with two session in the morning a two in the evening. So this fits well around work/training life and if you work shifts. Or if you are more serious about training and would like to train more then once a day.

    SN Combat has also handled training very well with Covid restrictions and made it possible to bring a great level of training during this these times.

    Great gym for beginners, experienced and people returning to the sport.

  4. Have Been bringing my 2 boys (ages 7 and 9) here for a few months. Great gym with a family atmosphere. Really love the focus on discipline and respect. Amazing to see how the boys have improved over a short period of time – all the kids receive lots of individual attention. They absolutely love it.

  5. I came to the gym about 2-3 years ago and it was amazing, full of life and it was a big gym. I went there again a few months back and it’s a one room gym that’s not big it’s small and tight and could only fit around 8 people I think. The quality in training has also gone down due to the lack of space all the people do is hit pads and do different combos. There’s no learning different techniques it’s just spend money to hit pads and do the same warm ups and warm down. I think there needs to be a new gym which is bigger and different instructors instead of just one. A new gym would be very good please find a bigger gym!

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